Next Steps for safety

Welcome, Difference Makers!
Thank you for prioritizing safety as you volunteer with us.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1Watch the Safety Videos:
•Each section contains important safety information for both Kids and Students.
2Choose Your Role:
•If you are volunteering with Kids, take the "Kids Quiz."
•If you are volunteering with Students, take the "Students Quiz."
3. Take the Quizzes:
•After watching each video, find the corresponding quiz below it and complete it.

Your efforts ensure that our kids and students have the best and safest experience possible. Thank you!

Section 1

Next Gen Safety Video

Child Abuse Defined

Section 2

Ministering to Victims of Abuse

Section 3

Protecting Yourself and Our Church from Accusations

Click here to view our incident report.

Thank you for completing our safety training!