
What is Baptism?

If you've made a commitment to Christ, it's time to take the next step and make your decision known.
Baptism is the best way to express your faith and reflect your life change.

Madison and Tyler's Baptism story

Watch a teaching on Baptism

Are you ready to take your next step and get baptized?  We'd love to help you get this scheduled.  Please complete the registration form and a pastor will reach out to help schedule and facilitate your baptism.
If you are interested in baptism and would like to talk to someone before registering, please complete the interest form and a pastor will contact you.  


What is baptism?

Baptism symbolizes the transformative journey that follows accepting Jesus as your Savior. It represents the death of your old life (going under the water) and the emergence of a new life (coming back up).

Why should I be baptized?

Jesus encourages baptism, setting the example (Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 1:9). It signifies our turn from sin to Jesus, the transformative source (Acts 2:38-41)."

Who is eligible to be baptized?

Those who decide to follow Jesus. If you haven’t made that commitment to know Jesus as your personal Savior, visit the Following Jesus page for your Next Step.

Does Cypress baptize children?

YES! If your child (4th grade and older) has accepted Christ and wishes to be baptized, please complete the baptism registration form. Afterward, a Cypress Kids team member will contact you to arrange a pre-baptism meeting. 

I've been baptized before.
Can I be baptized again?

Your decision is solely yours to make. At Cypress, we welcome individuals to consider re-baptism if their initial baptism lacks personal significance, if they don't remember it, or if they are rededicating their life to Christ.