Hello Parents!
We are so proud of your child for asking questions and making decisions about their faith! We want to partner with you to lead your child to Jesus. We've developed the Next Steps and resources below as a starting point to help you and your child have life-long conversations about faith.
Cypress Kids Team
We are so proud of your child for asking questions and making decisions about their faith! We want to partner with you to lead your child to Jesus. We've developed the Next Steps and resources below as a starting point to help you and your child have life-long conversations about faith.
Cypress Kids Team
Step 1
Check out this creative way to understand knowing Jesus!
Step 2
Our Start Here Guide is just that, a starting point for you and your child to begin a life-long conversation about faith. It lays the foundation for God's love for us and why He sent His Son, Jesus, to be our Savior. Download the Start Here Guide to start the conversation!
If your child wants to ask Jesus into their heart, pray this prayer together:
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for loving me no matter what. I admit that I am wrong and I make mistakes. I believe that you died on the cross for me and rose again. I confess that I need you and want you as my best forever friend.
If your child wants to ask Jesus into their heart, pray this prayer together:
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for loving me no matter what. I admit that I am wrong and I make mistakes. I believe that you died on the cross for me and rose again. I confess that I need you and want you as my best forever friend.

Step 3
Our Conversation Guide will help you foster more conversations to build your child's faith. Download the Conversation Guide.
More steps to take with your child:
More steps to take with your child:
- Pray and read the Bible together. Check out these Bible Reading Plans: Indescribable, How Great is our God, He is Risen!
- Attend church consistently as a family. Click HERE to see our Time + Locations.
- Join a Difference Maker Team with your child to serve and make a difference.
- Get baptized. Click HERE if you want to learn more about Baptism.
- Worship together! Check out the Spotify playlist below.