Here are some answers to questions you may have about giving to our church.
Is it safe to give online?
Yes. Cypress and our vendors provide the latest technology in regards to encryption and security.
From what types of bank accounts can I give?
You can give online from your bank account (ACH) or you may use your MasterCard, Visa, or Discover debit/credit card(s) for a credit card transaction.
Are there fees involved with online giving?
You will not pay any fees with your online contribution. Cypress pays all fees associated with online giving. Please keep in mind that the processing fees associated with credit cards are higher for the church than with ACH transactions.
How long will it take my contribution to process?
Within 12-48 business hours of the date you requested.
Where can I see my giving history?
To see your giving history, sign into your Giving account by clicking the "Give" option on our website or app, and select your campus. You will find the "History" option at the top of the page, which will display your cash and check gifts. For non-cash gifts, such as stocks, please reach out to
Will I receive an Annual Giving Statement for tax purposes?
Yes. Cypress will mail you a Giving Statement covering all your tax-deductible donations by January 31 of each year to use when filing your taxes for the prior year. Statements are mailed every year by January 31 so it’s important to keep your mailing address current. If you have not received a statement by the end of January, please contact the Accounting Department at
Can I change the amount or frequency of my giving and update my payment information after I set it up online?
Yes. You can change your contribution at any time prior to the date of your next contribution. Sign into your account using your email and password. Locate Give Now and select recurring to set up automatic giving. If you already have scheduled giving set, locate Scheduled, to update the frequency. To change the payment information, access your profile found under your name in the top-right corner. Look for a section labeled Payment Method.
How does my giving help those outside the church and active attendees who find themselves in diffcult situations?
A portion of your giving goes towards funding specific initiatives, including our local and global outreach partners and the Financial Assistance Program, designed to help Cypress members and active attendees who find themselves in emergency or unplanned/unexpected/difficult situations.
What is Cypress' accountability?
Cypress Church is an elder-governed, staff-led congregation that strives to equip God’s people for meaningful ministry. The elders are elected from among the congregation members in accordance with the by-laws of the Church and in accordance with The Discipline of the Wesleyan Church.
Every year, Cypress undergoes a financial review by an independent CPA firm.
Every year, Cypress undergoes a financial review by an independent CPA firm.
I have the gift of giving. How can I do more?
The Vision in Action Team serves our church with the spiritual gift of giving. It is for those who are called and equipped to strategically give their influence, time, and finances to the Kingdom of God, accelerate our church's vision, and leave a legacy. Each member has committed to tithing and will prayerfully commit to giving over and above their tithe to impact eternity for future generations.
We believe God has called us with a specific vision to reach every child, student, and adult in our communities, throughout central Ohio and around the world with the life-changing message and power of Christ. This vision, which we are committed to until we breathe our breath and pass the baton of faith to the next generation, is supported by three specific areas in which we invest to make an Impact.
The Vision in Action Impact Areas
Next Gen – Kids, Students, Resident & Intern Program
Campus Expansion and Growth
Local and Global Outreach
We believe God has called us with a specific vision to reach every child, student, and adult in our communities, throughout central Ohio and around the world with the life-changing message and power of Christ. This vision, which we are committed to until we breathe our breath and pass the baton of faith to the next generation, is supported by three specific areas in which we invest to make an Impact.
The Vision in Action Impact Areas
Next Gen – Kids, Students, Resident & Intern Program
Campus Expansion and Growth
Local and Global Outreach
Who can I contact if I have any other questions?
If you have any other questions, you can contact us at