Prayer + Support

Need someone to pray with you?

We would love to pray with you and for you.

You will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:12-13. A prayer team is available to pray with you immediately following every service at all our campuses.


We know that at times it can feel like we are filled with hopelessness and despair, but there is hope in Christ. We want to support you, walk with you, and provide a community to uplift you in any circumstance.

Below are the support groups we offer throughout the year.


Find support in a time of pain.
GriefShare helps you face the challenge of the loss of a loved one and helps you move toward rebuilding your life as you walk through the grieving process.

Cancer Care

Getting a cancer diagnosis is scary and life-changing.
We don’t want you to walk this journey alone! Whether you are a patient, survivor, or caregiver, this group offers practical encouragement and support to help you replace the natural fear of hearing the word “cancer” with faith and hope.

Divorce Care

Find healing and hope.
If you are experiencing the pain of divorce or separation, we invite you to DivorceCare where you can find hope and healing as you seek Christ with others in a supportive environment.
If you need a professional Christian counselor, please fill out this form and ask for a list of counselors or talk to your Campus Pastor about a recommendation.

Looking for a prayer small group?

Join one or talk to your Campus Pastor about starting one. Small groups are a great way to connect with others and see God work through prayer.

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We have many resources to encourage and help you.

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